perfoartnet 2018

International  Biennial of  Performance  VI    Bienal Internacional de Performance


“Carried” significa llevados, transportados, cargados, oprimidos, sujetos, y mecidos, por el pasado, el destino, el sistema, y otros. Usando un objeto de gran formato, Verónica Peña contempla ataduras de carácter personal, histórico y social para revelar estructuras que, de forma invisible, oprimen nuestros cuerpos y limitan nuestra existencia diaria. Llevando el cuerpo a una serie de “posiciones imposibles”, Peña reta las relaciones establecidas entre el cuerpo, el espacio y los otros a nuestro alrededor. Esta performance es un homenaje a aquellos que—perdidos, o involuntariamente llevados—luchan por encontrar su camino hacia la libertad.

“LLevados” means carried, taken, transported, oppressed, held, and cuddled by the past, by destiny, the system, and others. Using her body and a large object, Verónica Peña considers personal, historical, and social ties to reveal structures that constrain our bodies. “Carried Bodies” is an attempt to overcome the limitations and invisible barriers that challenge our daily existence. Adopting a series of “impossible to maintain postures”, Peña challenges established relationships between the body, the space, and the others around us. This performance is a homage to those that—lost, or involuntarily carried by others—are trying to find their way to freedom.